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Online Wholesalers Directory

  Online Wholesalers Directory business.

  Business Overview

  Many small merchants rely on wholesalers and distributors to purchase goods for resale simply due to the fact that they do not buy in large enough quantities to enable them to buy in bulk directly from manufacturers. For many small business owners the search for wholesalers and distributors of different products is a never-ending battle. Establishing an online wholesale and distributor directory is the perfect solution to this problem. Simply start by creating a Web site that is indexed for search purposes by product and geographic location. Once this has been completed, employ subcontract sales consultants to solicit wholesalers and distributors to become listing members on the directory Web site. Across North America there are thousands of independent wholesalers and distributors, thus securing a few hundred to participate in this exciting and beneficial online service will be easy. Marketing and promotion of the site should be aimed at small business owners and merchants. This can be accomplished by acquiring retailers and business association mailing list and initiating a direct e-mail, mail, and telephone campaign.
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