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Disaster Preparation Consultant

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  Disaster Preparation Consultant business.

  Business Overview

  Every year in North America earthquakes, flash floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, and wildfires reap destruction of enormous magnitude. We cannot control these forces of nature, but with careful planning we can be prepared when these disasters strike. Simply being prepared for a natural disasters when they strike can mean the difference of life or death. Starting your own disaster preparation consulting service not only makes sense, but it can also make you a wealthy entrepreneur. There are two aspect to the business: products and services. Products that can be marketed include first-aid kits, backup generators, emergency lighting, and nonperishable food and water packages. Services can include one-on-one consulting with clients to identify potential threats in disaster situations, how to react in these situations, and drafting emergency action plans to respond to a wide variety of natural disaster situations. The requirements for starting this type of specialized consulting services are numerous including first-aid training, disaster response training, and a varied knowledge of natural disaster situations and how to create proactive action plans. Gaining clients can be as easy as setting up a promotional kiosk in malls and trade shows and collecting leads from interested people. Given the frequency and widely publicized severity of many natural disasters, collecting qualified leads in this type of environment should not be difficult. The profit potential is outstanding as products can be marked up by 100 percent or more for resale, and consulting fees in the range of $50 per hour are certainly not out of line.
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