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Intelligent Integrated Restaurant POS and Reservations

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Standing waiting for a table at a restaurant recently and listening to the hostesses repeating the mantra "10 to 20 minutes" to everyone who walked in the door while watching servers enter orders into the restaurant's POS system I realized those systems are not currently integrated at all. But there's some huge scheduling benefits to integrating them.

When servers key in orders to the POS system they put in a table number. So the system could know not just what tables were "in use" but also where in the process each table is. Knowing where a table is (these people ordered appetizers, these people did not, these people have ordered dessert, these people just ordered a pitcher of beer, etc.) in their meal flow could make wait times far more accurate. And could also do a better job of ensuring there's no double-seating or triple-seating of servers without an override.
Dan Waber
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