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Lab Projects

Vanity Pets

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  Concept: Sick of looking at that marmalade cat? Why not create the pet of your dreams.
  Solution: First, an electrolysis session for your pet (this will ensure that the animal's natural hair doesn't grow back). Now for the fun part - a pet hair transplant (conveniently, this has already been human tested). There would be no limit to color, patterns and textures to choose from, with a complete line of natural and synthetic hair. How about a psychedelic cat, checkered dog or a gerbil with pinstripes?
  Practical applications include:
- an easily identifiable pet with hair patterns arranged to indicate owner's address, phone number or name
- quadruped billboard (generate advertisements on the side of your pet)
- synthetic hair completely eliminates shedding
- make your pet appropriately match home décor prior to stuffing
- afro pooch
- when you tire of your pet, don't get rid of him, just change his breed e.g. a St. Bernard that resembles a Dalmatian
- have a horse? make your own zebra
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