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Clutter Consultant

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  Clutter Consultant business. Hate clutter? Help other people neaten up their lives as a clutter consultant.

  Business Overview

  For the majority of us, frantic and busy lifestyles leave little time to get ourselves organized, let alone our family, homes or businesses. Exploiting your own organizational and time management skills are the two main prerequisites for starting a clutter consulting business that helps clients get -- and stay'-organized. Aim your organizational efforts at two separate but equally important topics'-physical organization of space (better known as de-cluttering) and time management. On the physical side of the service, focus on issues such as clearing the clutter that is not needed, developing storage solutions, organizing office furniture and equipment for maximum attractiveness and productivity, rearranging closet space, and organizing items by use priority. On the time management side, assist clients in developing routines and schedules to eliminate overlap, streamline operations, and basically squeeze the most productivity out of each hour so they no longer have to work nights and weekends just to stay on top of their work at home and office. Without question, networking at business and social functions is the best way to get the word out about your service and to start building a valuable contact and referral base.
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