Fashion Design
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Lab Projects

Wearable Velcro Suit With Interchangable Costumes

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  Clothing to which you can attach various different patches of velcro backed objects, which represent a different imaginary or real persona or type of outwardly projected and seeable job, activity (P.J.s, etc.), or fairy tale mythological being that any child wants to be. A doctor, a judge, a cartoon, a fireman, a wizard, a dragon, a professional sports player (you would attach all the jersey uniform pieces to the velcro clothing) or what ever you can think of that a child could or would want to pretend to be with the suit as a complete visual aid. The clothing would be pants and long sleeves that both are velcroed together that come complete, but come apart to reassemble into short sleeves or shorts. All the extra pieces to make the costumes (all life size and realistic where applicable) are all basically flat and attach directly to any part of the suit making it possible to change into one or more types of person or creature at any time. Like jersey numbers, names, stripes, colored pieces of that team, logos, etc. Great for kid plays or a group or birthdays or even holidays (just think of all of the kids as elves). We could even make one of the children Santa and have them sort the presents.
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