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Cedar Shake Restoration

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  Cedar Shake Restoration business. The roof over your head can get a lot bigger after you start a successful cedar shake restoration business.

  Business Overview

  There are millions of cedar shakes and shingle roofs in North America, and the average lifespan of a cedar roof is about 15 years. However, if cedar roofs are restored prior to reaching their life expectancy, then these same cedar roofs can last for 25 years or more. The process of restoring cedar roofing is not complicated. The roof is first pressure washed to remove all accumulated moss and debris. Once this has been accomplished and the roof dries, a coat of wood preservative is sprayed over the entire roof surface. The average-sized cedar roof costs $10,000 to replace; however, the same cedar roof can be restored to give the roof an additional life of five or more years for approximately $1,500. This fact is what makes this such a good business to start. Not only can you save homeowners a considerable amount of money, you can also use this cost savings analysis as your main marketing tool. The equipment required for the business venture is a few ladders, a pressure washing unit, and a couple of backpack spraying units that are the same type as those used in lawn fertilization. To keep start-up costs to a minimum this equipment can even be rented for the first few jobs, until the business is established. Current rates for cedar roof restoration are in the range of $1.50 to $2.00 per square foot. Additional revenues can be generated by providing clients with gutter and skylight cleaning options while on the job.
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