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Lab Projects
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A rubber snap on case that protects the corners while you can still use it rather than completely cover it up since only the corners will hit the ground and just about every electronic device will break when it impacts with the ground or floor. Everything from any kinds of cameras, MP3 Players, CD Players, portable devices of all sorts (or non-portable for safety sake) like TV's or DVD players etc. Anything that will break would simply be covered much like a woman's bra with connections...
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Everyone has seen the amazing levered grips that you can move any where, stick to any surface, and they hold hurnders of pounds. Those handles keep you steady so you don't slip. They didn't think about what we are slipping on. A wet or slippery surface. Take those same suction levers and put them on your slippery surface mat, underfoot and you will never slip. No more hundreds of useless little, moving cups and only four suction cups; one at each corner. Then unlever and lever to a shower...
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A couch-chair that has both the qualities of a couch and a chair. Instead of a flimsy recliner, where it holds up your feet on a lift, you have a total feeling of comfort, where the whole unit is one connected piece and goes from the floor to your body and feet, insuring that it will never break and you can jump in and out of it at will. You would still have arms on the chair, but never have to worry about bringing up the foot rest. It is all ready there. When you add an extra long solid...
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Acupressure works and especially in Hoistic, Eastern Mysticism and Natureopathic medine combined with acupressure and sometimes acupuncture. If you could dawn a suit much like a spandex body suit all fitted with small motors (thousands of tight fitting, rotating, non-spherical motors) they could fit over all the acupressure points then they would apply constant rotating pressure to all or your choice of pressure points (depending on the problems you're trying to fix). It could be used for...
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An inhaler for cleaning the lungs. A moisterizer that takes out carbon staining and has an expectorant to help clear the lung tissue of irritants. You could add cold medicine for upper respitory infections, colds, or flus. Preventing Bronchitis or Pneumonia or death. Or for people with congestive heart failure it could help remove liquids and fluids out of the lungs with some adjustments in the inhalent formula. An inhaler could be specified for any ailment such as dry lung, lung cancer,...
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Right now we have a way to include anything into the plaster on the bottom of the foot for casts but, so far we have only added a rubber pad for stepping. The exact thing we don't want them to do. Stepping further injures the leg or foot or ankle. If we add a caster ball or soft rubber wheel to the bottom of the cast, that is slow moving, then we can scoot the foot eliminating the stepping and allowing those with casts to keep up when walking next to a person without a cast and also...
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Did you know that standard letters on a keyboard are not set up to make it easier to type but the opposite. They were arranged early in the 1900's to make it the hardest to use for a specific odd reason and that has never changed? If we arrange the letters around and place the letters used most (for instance) at the easiest point to type them then we would have a better and faster keyboard. I say we go a step further and rearrange the entire keyboard (not just letters) and add extra...
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Just make an arena where they can't get out and bet on who wins or enter your own crustacean and hope you win or bet against your own entry.
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Now you can have that wet look all day long. This brand new product is a shampoo and a hair gel that lets your hair stay with the freshly wet showered look. It cleans your hair and scalp but looks great when you get out. Saving valuable time applying that hair product after a shower. You can ever style with it or anything else you want to do to your hair after bath or shower. You can dry it with your dryer to style. You put it in during a bath or shower and only comes out with...
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Have you ever smelled a man's electric razor blades? It is the one and only, nice, totally Masculine Scent. Nothing smells more Masculine than that. It is raw metal, beard hair shavings, skin, added to what ever soap or shaving cream they used. Combine metal, beard hair and skin smell with any other scent and you've got "Man In A Bottle". It can't be beat. I defy you to find something more masculine than that. I would love to market this one myself but, I do not currently own a company...