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Lab Projects
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If you start with a certain sized plastic board and put clips or clamps at the corners, then you can stretch out any shaped piece of rubber and draw on it. The further the rubber is stretched the better the effect on the rubber. First you stretch the rubber then you draw on it then you release the rubber from its clips. The shrinking of the rubber creates a very unique effect that is better and much like the old shrinky dink oven baked shinking plastic. The things you draw on the rubber...
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We have all heard of fruit roll-ups, but if we use bread to roll up our sandwiches like peanut butter and jelly or bologna or any sandwich inside a continuous roll of any kind of bread, then we have no mess, easy to handle and consume product. We can have crust or no crust. You could even have submarine sandwiches or pita pockets or burritos or hamburgers or any kind of food substances arranged into this sandwich roll-up type product using kinds of bread instead of a tortilla or some other...
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Have you ever forgotten to save a receipt from a card purchase and then you can't balance your check book? Rather than having online banking you could simplify this part of the process by having one card instead of ten to twenty web sites for each card, that can be swiped through right after your purchase card (Visa/Master Card) that would record all your amounts of your purchases and what they were (all the information). Then you swipe it at home on a home version of the store's computer...
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Have you ever dropped a two hundred dollar fishing pole and it went three hundred feet straight to the bottom of the lake or Ocean? Well, if that pole floated then you could just pick it back up without having to stop your vacation to go back to the fishing shop and spend your hard earned money on some cheap imitation of what you had all your life or one your family heirloom handed down throughout the years. If the pole floated with an inner core of floating foam or an attachment you...
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If your pans were heat resistant all the way around the sides and the handle as well then you would have the perfect egg pan, but you could also have a pan that wouldn't accidentily cook the food around the sides which always burns then you have to scrub the pan sides before washing them. The idea is to keep the heat source from underneath the pan only in the area of the bottom of the pan. You could rest that spatula on the side without it getting hot and use plastic like is the rage in...
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Every sport comes with something to hold onto in the proper way or place and you have to grip the object correctly again and again in the right place to get it right. So whether you are playing golf, baseball, or some sport with a racket you need to find the right way to hold it and you need to keep that hold in the perfect place the entire time you play while learning any sport. With velcro/sports gloves and velcro on the bat or object you are gripping, someone can place your hands in the...
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Simply find all forms of chocolate from everywhere that tastes different and put them all together in one bar. You could call it the "Around the World Bar". Also you could try and fit as many different kinds of chocolate bar ingredients into one bar. "The Everything in the World Bar".
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If you take the wheels off of a skate board step onto it then glide on a smooth surface with air holes pushing up strong currents of air you can glide for hundreds of feet with just a slight push of your foot. We could make an indoor or outdoor Air Hockey Type Skate Board Park where we could use any smooth object to safely project ourselves across the smooth surface and use the same construction of an average skate park only this would be more fun, you could go faster and further, and the...
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A switch that can give any device an instant (automatic) equilibrium. Every spot inside the sphere has a different touch point much like the old mercury switches that regulated heating systems, but this one has thousands instead of two contact points making and giving it a total 3 dimensional capability. If it were in the head of a robot the robot would then know exactly where it was. It would know left, right, tipping, forwards, backwards, and upside down. All directions. Then it could...
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Just like storm windows, a double pipe can keep the weather out, but PVC and steel pipes break in the winter even when they are insulated if they are single pipes. I have seen that pipes of any kind (plastic, steel, copper, etc.) used in any application come in any size you want them in. If you have a one inch pipe then you place the hardly useable insulation over it tightly, then you place a slightly larger pipe over it which provides a pocket of air around the inner pipe which will never...