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Lab Projects
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Why pay for super expensive flavored cigarettes when you can simply buy cheap cigarettes and dip them in fragrant flavorings from a bottle? Any fragrance and any flavor. Just wait for it to dry and light up. The drying of the liquid would be anywhere between instant or around 24 hours, but worth it! Imagine coconut, cinnamon, rose petals, make a cigarette smell and taste like a fine cigar from Cuba (only the very best flavors, but without the cost). With your own liquid bottle to dip...
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When you do not use flint to make sparks you rarely if ever get fire from another type of material if it is made of metal. The hardest metal is Tungsten steel used in manufacturing and you can grind it with any kind of grinding tool and it would last forever. But, here's the best part. You can stand (fully clothed) in the direct path of any kind of steel being ground down with a spinning grinding disk and it gives off 5 to 7 feet of sparks. It is extremely bright to watch even in the...
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A bullet shot from an automatic machine gun has tracers but, no way to know when they have hit or miss their target. If we apply a flint tip to the bullets then we know when they are hitting the target and when they are not. They have exploding tips but those do not give off a spark or report to visually see the hits and misses on metal targets. The exploding tips are to fragment and become shrapnel inside enemy bodies to do more damage. My bullets show hits and misses on any target that...
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We could use a spray bottle that fits up your nose to add any smell you want. I used to clean bathrooms and I really would rather smell something else. If you could smell anything in the World with your regular air intake what would it be? Cherries, cologne, perfume, antiques, air freshener? Anything could be up your nose all day. I know your first question is; what does your scent do to the taste of food? The answer is that it can enhance the taste of food. After all you wouldn't want to...
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Imagine owning part of the Universe that you and I will never get to experience otherwise! With all the new Space Travel industrial advances we can now collect part of space and bring it down to Earth for us to cherish in air tight bottles. When valcanos erupt it is a special event and people make gifts from the ashes. We could taste and smell and experience what the difference is in space vacuum then what we have on the Planets surface. Or we could keep it bottled forever. A part of Outer...
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We could use adding more uniqueness and character to our homes and add that to our address. We could set up a real National Paid Directory of house addresses and there names with each name different from any other. We now name stars and boats so, why not our homes?! We could get really creative and it could reflect our families personalities or the house or anything you can imagine from any real or made up word or short sentence ever spoken from time immortal in any language you choose. It...
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Have you ever bought the tallest scratching post and the cat still is too tall or wants to climb it? I have. If we make a backing material and cover that with the right materials (just like the real thing) then they would all go for the wall and not the other walls, the chairs, the beds etc. (You see where I am going? They destroy everything). We could make this a staple on wall paper so that we could replace it yearly or every so often or find an easy way to change it - although I have...
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To keep track of your microwaving activity anywhere in the house by radio wave transmission. The microwave sends the timer information to the wrist watch and sets off an alarm telling you that your food or drink is ready. You can also watch the timer on your wrist as it counts down the time set and syncronized to the microwave timer.
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A booklet with hundreds of plastic pages to stick all your Post-It-Notes. You could make an organizer out of it or daily office arrangement or get creative with the types of pages.
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When you buy a gun at a gun shop you need to fire a few rounds to get used to it. After a few rounds or more the inside of the muzzle has permanent grooves that match both the gun and the bullets coming out of the gun for years if not forever with very little change over time. If we photograph both the bullets and the matching inside grooves of the registered gun, we could then build a data base for all guns sold and like finger prints this will help find anyone involved in misuse of said...
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