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Stefan Micke
Not Rated
A couple of weeks ago I've seen half a dozen of kids playing rap music using a trashcan in a metro station. The trashcan offered two different sounds - one by slamming the hand on it, the other by kicking it with the foot. The scene was just beautiful - it was already past midnight, the passengers were waiting for the metro, and most of them were either sleepy, or bored, or both. I guess that literally everybody enjoyed the show. (By the way, no actual trashcans were harmed during this...
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
Those who enjoy carving skiing might have already noticed this little problem: Carving without skiing poles can be a lot of fun, but as soon as you line up for the ski-lift, getting ahead can become really hazardous. Things are worse on an uneven surface; once your skis start following gravity, there's not much you can do against it (unless you find someone to hold on to). I am still waiting for an invention to prevent carving skis from moving when you don't want them to. Quite logically,...
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
Ever been to a running sushi bar? It's certainly a beautiful way to have dinner, but somehow I feel I can never fully relax: After all, I have to keep track of the food that's circulating, so I know which is fresh from the kitchen and which has already been on tour for half an hour (yuck!). Infrared binoculars could do the trick, but they are not very handy, and worst of all, they will draw too much attention. I would need a lighter and cheaper version that is adapted solely for this...
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
In the early morning hours, I really have problems getting out of bed. Turning on the radio could basically help the process, but listening to one of the morning shows that are currently on is like undergoing shock treatment: Is there anything worse than having an overexcited radio voice pretend that getting up is just a piece of cake? I'd rather wake up with a bucket of ice water over my head than listening to one of those! Why are there no morning shows with announcers who feel just as...
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
Most mobile phones seem to suffer from severe depressions. Owners of cheaper models won't notice, but if yours has a vibration alert, you can put it to the test: Simply place your phone on a high table and dial your own number. See how your phone slowly inches towards the edge and tries to jump off the cliff? Smart manufacturers could put and end to this lemming-like behavior by using a non-vibrating cover (e.g. rubber) for the back of the phone.
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
When you're travelling by plane, there's often something spectacular going on outside (and I'm not talking about burning engines - rather something like sunsets, cloud patterns or fantastic sights on the ground). Unfortunately, you can rarely see these things, as you're usually sitting on the wrong side of the plane. So why don't they use a mini camera to broadcast those events to the main screen so everyone can see? It would definitely be a great service appreciated by most passengers.
Stefan Micke
Not Rated
Recently, I've been watching those sad scenes from the World Trade Center disaster again and again. Now, I am wondering whether there might be any conclusions to be drawn (and I mean something that goes beyond the killing of more innocent people). One of the images that struck me most was that of people jumping off the WTC in panic and falling to death. I can't believe that, at the beginning of the 21st century, the only way of escaping from a burning sky scraper is committing suicide...