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A deadly beetle has inspired an ATM protection system that will defend itself from thieves. The system was inspired by the bombardier beetle's ability to spray its enemies with near-boiling acid. The beetle stores the ingredients for the acid in two separate chambers in its body, which prevents them from mixing until it is ready to attack. Following the beetle's lead, it is possible to build a system of two honeycomb structures filled with chemicals. The structures will be...
A new method of instantly identifying passing insects could lead to a way of reducing pesticide use by allowing researchers to develop better targeted attacks. The device will feature a laser-thin beam of light that will shine onto an array of phototransistors able to translate light fluctuations into sounds. As an insect flies through the laser beam, the beating of its wings will cause the signal to fluctuate. The signal will then be recorded as an MP3 file and analyzed by a...
The bee-powered sensor will be made up of pair of chambers: a smaller one, called the diagnosis space, and a larger chamber that will hold the trained bees. The patient will breathe into the smaller chamber, and the bees taught to connect certain smells with a food reward, will move toward the person's breath if they detect their trigger smell. Bees can be trained to respond to certain smells in only ten minutes. Once the bee has been captured, trained and performed its duty, it...
Bedbugs can be a serious concern, particularly to East Coast urban dwellers. The new trap will be made from an inverted pet bowl with the outer edges covered in double-sided black tape. The inverted bowl will have higher walls than other traps on the market, and the bait (spearmint and coriander oil) will be augmented with CO2 canisters, sugar and yeast, which will produce the bedbug attractant carbon dioxide. Although the trap will not kill the bed bugs, it will serve as an early...
The Kite patch will offer an alternative to toxic sprays, and a new way to fight the spread of diseases, by using a blend of ingredients that make humans invisible to mosquitoes. The device will be a disposable square only 1.5 inches on each side and will be meant to be worn on the clothing. The patch will be embedded with a proprietary blend of non-toxic, FDA approved compounds that will disrupt the mosquitoes' ability to track humans through exhaled carbon dioxide. Each patch...
The continuing effort to control mosquitoes can now add a potential wall of infrared light to the list. The light can be used to form a wall separating space that will block mosquitoes from moving through it. The light barrier won't seem to hurt the mosquitoes, merely scare and repel them. The device will be easy to use, requiring only a standard laser to block an entryway.
Dr. Gibbson
I have a new idea which will help combat the spread of malaria. Why not spray mosquitoes with a modified fungus that delivers compounds targeted to the parasite. The fungus will attack mosquitoes, so they modify the fungi using a human antibody and a scorpion toxin, both of which specifically target the malaria causing parasite and block its development. The fungus can also be used to treat other insect carried diseases, such as Lyme disease or dengue fever, by targeting the fungus...
I want an audio file on my phone which will frighten off mosquitos within a radius of 3.5 feet. A human won't hear anything but mosquitos will. The sound will be similar to the buzz of mosquito male which mosquito female try to stay away from.
Bait: 10 percent of boric acid mixed with 90 percent of the filler. Use mashed potatoes, biscuit crumbs, cereal or egg yolk as a filler. This "delicacy" is deadly for cockroaches. Moreover, if you add the yeast you can be sure that the insects try to eat this. Trap: Put a piece of white bread soaked with beer at the bottom of a jar (cockroaches are absolutely crazy about the beer smell!!!). Tie a bandage round the neck of the jar and soak its end with beer. Put the jar on the floor...
If your dog or cat has fleas, get fresh pine shavings and let your pet sleep for several days at these shavings. Fleas cannot stand the strong resinous smell, so they run away quickly. There is another way to deal with fleas. Take tobacco (you can crumble cigarettes for this) and make tobacco decoction. Then give your pet a bath with this decoction. Of course, the animal won't like such a bath but after this procedure relief from fleas is guaranteed.
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