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Lab Projects
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Ideas Search Result
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What about meeting the rising global meat demands, with producing insect meat? There are insects that are easy (and cheap) to grow and nutritious as well. I know that the idea of eating them is not attracting to most people in the western world, but a good marketing campaign can do a lot. Surely we are eating snails, sea fruit and hamburgers (of which we just can speculate what is in them) too. So why not eat bugs?
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Why are a majority of chips in your average bag broken or merely crumbs? Because the chips rest on a hard surface rendering your chips unedible. Why not have a pocket of air at the bottom of the bag that acts like a cushion for the chips to rest on. Now when you open a bag of chips, you can enjoy a full bag as opposed to the usual 25% of the chips being reduced to crumbs.
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Develop animal muscle in a lab instead of slaughtering animals to feed humans. Pros: Animals are not harmed Minimizes enivronmental damage Improves quality and safety of meat Lowers risk of terroristic activities aimed at food chain Cons: Feasibility from a scientific perspective
faisal quraishi
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Ever had the experienced that you order a pizza and don't order the drinks thinking you have a 2 L soda that you bought from the market. As usual when the pizza arrived u open the bottle the pop goes flat. Is there an agent or a chemical that's safe that you can add to instantly give you the fuzz you need for drink...? That would save the day. Let me know if someone can come up with somthing...
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Bartender For Hire business. Hire out your bartending skills and earn tips along the way. Business Overview Starting a bartender-for-hire service is a fantastic way to get into business for yourself, without breaking the bank. The business only requires a few hundred dollars of seed capital to initiate, and can return $150 to $200 per day plus gratuities. Ideally, the entrepreneur who starts a bartender-for-hire service will be an experienced one with outstanding social skills....
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Prepackaged Energy Foods business. Cater to the on-the-go, sporty consumer with prepackaged energy foods. Business Overview The increase in outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, rock climbing and backpacking is fueling the demand for prepackaged energy foods and nutrition bars, creating a terrific opportunity for the enterprising entrepreneur to start a new business venture that packages and sells these types of high-energy food products. You can get started on a...
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Packaged Herbs and Spices business. Put together tasty combinations of herbs and spices to sell to local grocers. Business Overview Here is a great little business opportunity that can be started on a part-time basis right from a home. Purchasing herbs and spices in bulk, repackaging the product into smaller quantities, and selling the herbs and spices through local retailers via point-of-purchase (POP) displays. The main objective is to ensure the packaging you create for the...
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Maple Syrup Sales business. Selling this sugary specialty could make for a sweet startup. Business Overview Canadian maple syrup considered to be the best in the world, and once imported, it can be sold directly to consumers via sales kiosks in malls, the internet, farmers' markets and even mail-order sales.
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Vegetarian Restaurant business. Grow a restaurant business that caters to the meat-free crowd. Business Overview There are an estimated 20 million American adults who are vegetarians, and this fact creates an excellent opportunity for the budding restaurateur who'd like to start a vegetarian restaurant. Like any restaurant business, conducting a market survey in the area where the restaurant will be established can help indicate consumer demand. Many vegetarian restaurants also...
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Peanut and Nut Sales business. Cash in on the peanut-crunching crowd. Business Overview You can start making money by purchasing peanuts and other assorted nuts in bulk and repackaging the nuts into smaller sizes and sell the packaged nuts to retailers on a wholesale basis. Or alternately, a consignment and revenue share basis or from vending machines that can be installed at locations like malls, pubs and sports complexes. The vending machines will initially cost a few...