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Lab Projects
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It's time someone invents a disposable trash container with bags stored on the bottom for convenient reloading. This would be much more sanitary for household bathrooms. As one bag is filled and pulled out the new clean bag is pulled up by the exiting bag much like Kleenex disposable tissues. The box could be folded in such a way to create a compact item for store shelves. Unfolding the box would erect a small bathroom size waste basket. When it's out of bags, you recycle the thin...
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I did a science fair project on this one... A tooth brush that had tooth paste in the handle which would dispense through a tube into the bristles. Of course to market such a thing it would either need to be disposable or refillable. I had a proto-type at the fair and everyone liked it. What do you guys think?
Brittany Erin Wells
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A curling iron that dispenenses hair spray at the push of a button is every girls dream well while i was fixing my hair i thought that it would take less time to get ready!
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All of us like to read books and a lot of times we like to read when we are in our bed. But reading when lying down on a bed is not comfortable for long. Very soon you feel a sprain in the neck, hands etc. and give up reading in the lying position. How about an attachment fitted to the bed which will hold your book and also allow you to change the pages by use of a remote control in your hands, when you are totally flat on your bed in the most comfortable position you want to be. The...
Lim Luke
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I am freezing here in winter. Will it be nice to have my teddy bear warm? Combine a teddy bear and a hot water bottle.
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Ever been to a small kitchen in your friend's apartment? The fridge is always the space hogger. In other words, it's hard to walk by the fridge when someone has the door open; or to take a tray or large object out of that fridge and put it on the adjacent counter (the one always blocked by that fridge door). What I suggest is to have a fridge that has a collapsable door that folds into the 'box'. Almost like a garage door does, but instead of having the door go into the ceiling this door...
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Gas / propane / butane alarm, that would measure amount of gas in the room. With sound/light alarm when it reaches critical values. Connected to phone line so it could call police after 1 minute (time to disengage fake alarms). Together with backup battery. Also, maybe a signal for emty battery, when there is no power grid.
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I can't find that these already exist. What we need is a round coaster-like object that can be placed over the heating element that will transfer heat to the pan that is placed on it. It should have a lip around the top to catch anything that gets spilled or boils out of the pan. They should come in different sizes for larger or smaller pans and elements. Anyone who has a smooth cooktop knows they can be a serious pain to keep clean.
Kay Smith
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Everyone loves drinking tea (USA) down south. I usually brew it in the coffee pot (simple). I want a built in automatic tea maker in the refrigerator. It already has the ice maker and water why can't it make tea? A simple coffee pot design but thinner to fit the width of the door (the right side) the one not being used, a removeable washable urn or container (2-3) so it can be washed while the other is in use. A simple container for the tea bags (washable). A coffee pot has a very simple...
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Having slipped down the stairs (more than once in my life) while shoveling snow, it occured to me that a snow blower the size of a swiffer or shop vac would be most handy. A light weight snow blower that cleans the stairs without bending and scraping and heaving heavy loads of snow from dangerous stairs.