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Barter and Swap Publication business. One person's trash is another's treasure. Bring these people together with a barter and swap publication. Business Overview Barter and swap publications have become very popular in the past decade, as people seek more creative ways to get rid of items they do not want or need, and trade for useful items they'd like to have. Herein lies an outstanding opportunity to start a community barter and swap publication. The publication can be...
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Campus Newspaper business. Give college students an alternative to their university newspaper. Business Overview The fact that most universities and colleges already have campus newspapers doesn't mean that they're good papers or that there isn't room for another campus newspaper. Creating and producing an unofficial campus newspaper is very straightforward. The paper can be published on a weekly or bimonthly basis and distributed free of charge throughout the campus and...
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Proofreader business. Take your crusade against bad grammar and spelling to a career as a proofreader. Business Overview The written word makes the world go round. It's what businesses, associations and organizations of every description use to educate their target audiences, potential clients and existing customers. The problem is that most people view any sort of writing assignment with the sort of dread reserved for high school civics term papers, and if they do manage to...
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Self-Publisher business. Don't want to deal with agents? Become a self-publisher. Business Overview Not too long ago, self-publishing was looked down upon as the venue only of people whose work was truly awful. Now, however, self-publishing is not only respectable but 'in.' Major publishers are concentrating their efforts on mega-blockbusters, leaving the midlist or smaller writers out in the cold, which has led to the advent of the self- and small-press publisher as a solid...
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Specialty Mail Order business. Let customers buy obscure items from your catalog. Business Overview Specialty mail order catalogs are one of the hottest businesses going these days. With so many two-income and single-parent families around, nobody has much time to shop. And people today are more interested in spending their scant leisure hours on quality time at home with family and friends than on exhausting expeditions to the mall. So catalogs are the obvious alternative. ...
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Restaurant Placemats business. Put designing capabilities to use on restaurant placemats. Business Overview Like restaurant menus, many restaurant owners are more than happy to have community businesses featured on their table placemats in exchange for receiving the placemats for free. Here is how the business works. Assume that a busy 50-seat restaurant would use 200 paper placemats each day or approximately 6,000 per month, and the cost to print 6,000 black and white...
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Specialty Greeting Cards business. When people need to say more than "Happy birthday, Mom," they turn to specialty greeting cards. Business Overview Millions of greeting cards are sold annually in the U.S., and starting a business that designs and produces one-of-a-kind custom greeting cards for clients is a terrific desktop publishing business to set into action. In addition to a high-quality color printer, you'll also need a computer and design software. Ideally, marketing...
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Instruction Manuals business. People joke about not reading instructions, but you can bring in serious profits by publishing manuals from home. Business Overview Worldwide, millions of products are manufactured that require an instruction manual be included in the packaging of a product to describe assembly methods or how to use the product. This creates an outstanding opportunity to start a desktop publishing business that designs and produces instruction manuals. On the...
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Digital Printing Service business. Traditional print shops are a thing of the past. With more businesses taking advantage of digital technology, a digital printing service is an ideal way to follow the trend. Business Overview The printing industry has been revolutionized with the advent of digital technology. No longer are business owners and consumers at the mercy of print shops to create their short-run marketing brochures, event programs and invitations as these types of...