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Pet Doors business. Provide the door to let pets out when nature calls. Business Overview There are estimated to be more than 30,000,000 house pets in North America. And if you have a dog or cat, then you are well aware of the fact that they may have to get outside for a host of reasons. Unfortunately, once in a while our schedules conflict with our pets' call to nature conflicts. Enter the solution: the installation of a pet door enabling dogs and cats the freedom to enter the...
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Doggie Day Care business. Do you love your pets almost as much as you love your children? Start a doggie day care. Business Overview Day-care facilities for dogs are becoming increasingly popular, especially as more and more caring dog owners are realizing the benefits of leaving their beloved dogs at day care with other dogs instead of at home alone while they are at work. Dogs, like people, are social creatures and need contact with people and other dogs to become...
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Petting Zoo business. Make a business out of this memorable kid-friendly attraction. Business Overview There is something special about a petting zoo that lures both children and their parents. Starting and running a petting zoo is certainly not for everyone, as a petting zoo requires a great deal of knowledge and special handling skills in terms of the animals. Additionally, this type of business can be somewhat costly to start and operate. However, a properly established and...
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Online Pet Clothing business. Some pet owners are willing to spend a lot of money to keep their pooches comfortable and looking cute. Reach more of them with an online store. Business Overview Any pet owner will certainly understand the outstanding opportunity that awaits the enterprising entrepreneurs that start a business marketing specialty clothing for pets, as the spending habits of pet owners often know no bounds. There are a couple of approaches that can be taken in...
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Tropical Fish and Aquarium Rentals business. This is a colorful business idea for fish aficionados. Business Overview You can earn gigantic profits by starting a tropical fish and aquarium rental business, and best of all, this very unique enterprise can be set in motion for less than $5,000 and managed right from a homebased office. At this point, I am sure you're wondering exactly who would rent tropical fish and an aquarium? The list is very long, and if you think about...
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Dog Training Classes business. Throw a bone to fellow dog lovers who need a little help keeping their pooches in line. Business Overview Becoming a dog trainer and starting a business teaching people how to train their dogs can be both a personally rewarding lifestyle and a profitable business to operate. There are millions of dogs in North America and, while a great number of them are well trained, there are an equal number of dogs and owners that would certainly benefit from...