Fashion Design
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Buy jeans that fit!

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  One problem that haunts me since I'm old enough to buy clothes: buying jeans that fit!
  Typically I go into a store, buy the "perfect" pair of jeans, and after a couple of days they turn out to be way too big. Last time I even went back to the shop to return my pair for smaller ones, but then I ended up going home with the SAME jeans because they seemed just right, and a week later they were still a full inch too wide.
  Ok, I admit that buying jeans directly after lunch is a stupid thing to do. But I am sure there is also a lot the jeans companies can do. Would it be so hard to pre-stretch the jeans so the customer gets a realistic feel for how big/wide they're actually gonna get? Or how about a double button system - because even if jeans fit perfectly when you walk, they'll still be a pain when you sit down and/or eat something. As far as I now, this problem has never been tackled!
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