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Writer's Plots business. Business Overview Do you have a creative imagination for developing characters, plots and story themes, but have had the desire to write a novel, play, or short story? You can still profit from you creative imagination by developing plots and characters for authors and screenwriters who are always on the lookout for fresh and innovative work: a character study, and a plot outline for a movie, or a theme for a play. On the Internet you will find many Web...
Self-Help Writer business. Business Overview We are all an expert at something. Sometimes we just need to take a good look at our lives and accomplishments to discover what we are experts at. Perhaps you have lost 100 pounds and kept it off. Then you would be an expert in the field of weight loss. Or maybe you have sold more cars than any other car salesperson. Once you have discovered your area of expertise you can formulate a plan about how you will profit from your...