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It turns out that one can get rid of excess weight not only with the help of exhausting workouts and strict diets. The experience of Sweden, which occupies a leading position on the number of people suffering from obesity, shows that it is possible to get rid of excess weight easily. There are unusual musical stairs in Stockholm subway. The steps of such stairs look like piano keys and when one presses on them, they produce musical sounds. The innovation of Swedish...
Mr X
HR portals mushroom out in the Internet. They are almost as popular as dating sites. To attract visitors, the organizers of such portals often suggest original ideas. For example, the main feature of Jobsket site is that all CVs are evaluated by a special program reasoning from the experience and education of candidates, i.e. each candidate can find out his real value on the market. The main objective of the South African GetaGreatBoss resource is to help job seekers to find a good boss....
So, this is for all the modern, edgy, punk youth out there. Or possibly weird, zany, old people. Basically, it's just coloring highlighter on your eyelids as eyeshadow. It's very cool. It brings out the color of your eye with he contrast. I tried it on my friend, and the only advise I can give you, if you try it, is to avoid rubbing it in your eyes! If I were to ever make this idea into something, I would start by calling it EyeLighter. Get it, the play on words... Anyway, then of...
Singles-Only Vacations business. Business Overview Business specialization is the buzzword for the new millennium, and the travel industry is no exception. Starting a business that specializes in singles-only vacation destinations could prove to be just the money-making opportunity that you have been searching for. There are inherent differences between a family vacation and one that would be enjoyed by a single person. Catering to this gigantic segment of the travel industry...
Why not create an automatic streetlight which will be able to switch off and on as cars go by, potentially saving energy and reducing costs? The streetlight will consist of an automatic lighting system, PC, lamp, and camera able to capture an image of any passing car. The image will be processed by the computer, which then will instruct the light to switch on.
Why not provide an automatic transmission system for traditional wheelchairs? The wheels can be attached to conventional wheelchairs. They will able to recognize the movements of the user. The wheels can then choose the correct gear for moving up or down hills and across rough terrains by monitoring the user's speed and how hard they are pushing. Because the wheels are automated, the user won't need to expend any extra time or effort in changing gears.
The stylus creates line of varying width with transforming user applied pressure to sound transmission. The transparent tip of the stylus allows the user to see the screen beneath, and the tip is attached to a pressure sensor. Integrated electronics transform pressure on the sensor to sound, which is emitted through the stylus's speaker at a range humans cannot hear, but the device can register.
The new earphones will allow users to enjoy their music without blocking out the surrounding sounds. They will include two very small speakers held in place in the ear canal by a retention device. Because the speakers will only fill part of the ear canal, environmental noises will still be able to be heard. And since the device will not seal the ear, gradual hearing loss can be prevented.
Tornado can often strike at night when people are asleep and not tuned into the weather channel. As a result many of them are injured or killed. My solution is to create software that the National Weather Service can use to inform people about the tornado (in a single second). It will send text messages to all cell phones/landlines to people in areas most likely to be hit. This will be definitely a great warning system for those who are not tuned into TV, but are carrying phones.
My idea is to create sportswear with built in flexible electronics to monitor an athlete's biological indicators, like pH levels in sweat, heart rate, or blood pressure, generating data on metabolism or other factors and beaming it wirelessly to a trainer's laptop. The electronics could also simply count the steps to measure the distance traveled or the number of reps completed. Having such a sportswear will remove the need for some clunky external device to record or transmit...