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A very interesting shop ONE NOFFS was opened in Sydney. It creates designer works from the old stuff. The idea belongs to Rupert Noffs who is the grandson of Ted Noffs (the founder of The Ted Noffs Foundation, a charitable organization that helps the drug addicts and alcoholics). He developed the concept of "second hand" store turning an ordinary shop of old stuff into the platform for creative and talented young designers work, who can also make money on this. ONE NOFFS shop...
Jack Brown
The significance of the game, its full impact on the child growth cannot be overestimated. Games are an effective tool for the development of communication skills, logic, attention, intelligence, identity. And, perhaps, a game is the best way to achieve the development of creative abilities both for children and adults without compulsion. That is why educational games are of great demand among the various audiences, starting from the small buyers and finishing with the elderly. ...
Online Mailing List Sales business. Business Overview Let customers go online to select the mailing lists they wish to purchase. Develop a Web site that is indexed into various 'mailing list' sections. These sections would be broken down into demographic and consumer buying habit headings such as 'people interested in purchasing a business opportunity' or 'people who regularly purchase videos by mail.' The possibilities are endless in terms of the sections featured on the site....
It turns out that one can get rid of excess weight not only with the help of exhausting workouts and strict diets. The experience of Sweden, which occupies a leading position on the number of people suffering from obesity, shows that it is possible to get rid of excess weight easily. There are unusual musical stairs in Stockholm subway. The steps of such stairs look like piano keys and when one presses on them, they produce musical sounds. The innovation of Swedish...
Singles-Only Vacations business. Business Overview Business specialization is the buzzword for the new millennium, and the travel industry is no exception. Starting a business that specializes in singles-only vacation destinations could prove to be just the money-making opportunity that you have been searching for. There are inherent differences between a family vacation and one that would be enjoyed by a single person. Catering to this gigantic segment of the travel industry...
Mr X
HR portals mushroom out in the Internet. They are almost as popular as dating sites. To attract visitors, the organizers of such portals often suggest original ideas. For example, the main feature of Jobsket site is that all CVs are evaluated by a special program reasoning from the experience and education of candidates, i.e. each candidate can find out his real value on the market. The main objective of the South African GetaGreatBoss resource is to help job seekers to find a good boss....
Happy clients result in new clients. This axiom was literally used as a basis for a new advertising campaign by LEO BURNETT ad agency. Creative Italian advertisers put unusual billboards with real people on them all over Milan. The idea is as follows: ordinary people (potential customers) ask and happy (real) customers answer. There are no lure, intrigue or deception... just an honest dialogue. Creators of such an unusual interactive advertising campaign actually asked real...
Self-Help Writer business. Business Overview We are all an expert at something. Sometimes we just need to take a good look at our lives and accomplishments to discover what we are experts at. Perhaps you have lost 100 pounds and kept it off. Then you would be an expert in the field of weight loss. Or maybe you have sold more cars than any other car salesperson. Once you have discovered your area of expertise you can formulate a plan about how you will profit from your...
Online Press Release business. Business Overview As the saying from a popular movie goes, 'build it and they will come.' This saying could prove to be very accurate in the case of an online press release service. In a nutshell, an online press release service is imply a Web site that has been specifically design to enable users to log on and create a press release from the many templates available. The press release could then be sent electronically via e-mail to numerous media...
My idea is to capture the wind a train generates as it speeds down the track, using that untapped force to create electricity. Several devices would be placed between the rails of either railway or subway lines. Each device would contain a turbine to gather the otherwise wasted wind energy and harnesses it to produce electricity. The cylindrical devices would be installed on the tracks below ground level on busy rail lines, where they should be able to gather enough wind to...